From Sir Winston Churchill to Michael Jordan, cigars have been viewed as a mark of sophistication, class, and power for generations. But on top of that, some cigars are associated with wealth and luxury, and cigar aficionados worldwide know the comfort of enjoying a fine handcrafted cigar. Today we will cover the 10 most expensive cigars in the world.
10. Louixs $50
These premium cigars are named after French King Louis XIV and have his portrait on them. Every cigar is hand-rolled in a Rosado wrapper. With a ring gauge of 60, these cigars are quite large and deliver a spicy smoke that lasts about 60-90 minutes. Retailing at $50 a cigar, it might not sound that luxurious, but that hasn’t stopped the Louixs from becoming the house cigar for the Beverly Hills Cigar Club.
9. Fuente Don Arturo Anniverxario $163
Arturo Fuente Cigar Company—the maker of some of the most premium cigars in the world—unveiled this line of limited edition cigars in 2001 to celebrate its 100th anniversary. The cigars were made with tobacco aged for 7 years and rolled in either sun-grown or natural wrappers. The cigars were encased in unique humidors made with ebony, maple, walnut, or sycamore. However, due to various production delays, these cigars didn’t hit the market until 2008.
8. Cohiba Behike 56 $450
Christened the ‘Bentley of Cigars,’ Cohiba is one of Cuba’s most famous cigar brands. The company designed a special and limited edition cigar—Cohiba Behike 56—to commemorate the 40th anniversary of the cigar makers in 2006. These limited edition cigars were named Behike to honor a prominent chieftain of the Taino Indians. The cigars were stored in humidors made with skate skin, bone, and ebony by French cigar accessories manufacturer Elie Bleu. Only 100 boxes were produced, each holding 40 cigars, which meant each box retailed for $18,000.
7. Gurkha His Majesty’s Reserve $ 750
Each cigar is made with Connecticut Maduro wrapper aged 15 years and Dominican binder aged 12 years. To accentuate the taste, the filler is infused with the premium and rare Louis XIII Cognac.
Each box holds 20 cigars and less than 100 boxes are produced each year. Pre-orders are already filled out for several years! So you will probably have to wait several years before you can sample this exquisite cigar.
6. Gurkha Black Dragon $1,150
Known as the Rolls Royce of cigars, Gurkha Cigars is a famous luxury cigar brand known for its use of rare tobacco products and artistic packaging. Their most expensive cigar is the Gurkha Black Dragon. Designed for the sophisticated cigar connoisseurs, it’s said to have a very complex flavor that starts off with a sour taste, which then turns sweet.
The cigars are made of Connecticut Broadleaf Maduro wrapper with Cameroonian binder and Dominican filler that has been aged for five years. The cigars are packaged in a handcrafted camel bone chest with 100 pieces in one box. This means every box costs an astounding $115,000.
5. King of Denmark $4,500
The Danes have a long history of making cigars that dates back more than 200 years. King Christian IX of Denmark was an enthusiastic cigar aficionado, and on request from the Royal Danish Court, a cigar was named after his majesty—the King of Denmark cigar.
Living up to its name, this is a luxury cigar fit for a king. This luxurious looking cigar can be customized to your liking with gold foils that have your name engraved on them. If interested, you can also get a humidor with a sterling silver crown plated in 24 karat gold. That is if you have an extra $8,500 to spare.
4. Regius Double Corona $52,785
In 2013, Regius Cigars, based in the UK, sold the special edition Double Corona cigar to a businessman named Callum Jones. But the hefty price tag is not just for the fine cigar, but rather an incredible once-in-a-lifetime experience that involved flying him first class to their factory in Nicaragua.
There he had a guided private tour of the factory and witnessed the whole production from beginning to end.
3. Gran Habano no. 5 “El Gigante” – $185,000
El Gigante is the largest cigar in the world, which took 1,600 pounds of tobacco to make—the equivalent of around 25,000 regular cigars. As odd as it may sound, the idea was that 40 people could smoke it at the same time. El Gigante was created as a display piece for trade shows and placed in a 900-pound wooden crate that resembled a steam locomotive. With a price tag of $200,000, the owners didn’t think anyone would really buy it. To their surprise, a private collector soon bought El Gigante for $185,000.
2. Mayan Sicars – $507,000
Officially the oldest cigars in the world, Mayan Sicars were auctioned for $507,000 to a private cigar collector. The Mayan Sicars were discovered by a team of archeologists from Tampa University in a Guatemalan village in 2012 buried in sealed clay pots. To everyone’s shock, they were still in pristine condition after more than 600 years.
1. Gurkha Royal Courtesan Cigar – $1 million
Taking the prize for the most expensive cigars in the world, Gurkha cigars are created with the finest ingredients with no expense spared and utmost perfection in mind. After all, what would you expect with a 7 figure price tag? Every cigar is hand-crafted by specially selected expert cigar rollers.
It’s said they are blindfolded to heighten their senses so that their rolling movements are as natural as possible. Not only that, each cigar is infused with Remy Martin Black Pearl Louis XIII, which sells for $165,000 a bottle! The cigars are stuffed with extremely rare tobacco only found in Nepal’s Himalayan Mountains. The tobacco is only watered with pure Fiji water.
Each cigar is wrapped in gold leaf, and the band is embellished with diamonds totaling up to five carats. When you buy one for a million dollars, a messenger wearing spotless white gloves will hand-deliver the cigar to you!
If you enjoyed reading this article, check out the next one in this exciting series: A Deep Dive Into 5 of The Most Expensive Whiskies Sold In The Past Decade.
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