Today these readers, locally known as lectores, read all sorts of things from the latest news, novels, horoscopes, birthday reminders etc. Interesting, isn't it? Cuban cigars have been around for centuries, and during this time, the industry has undergone a lot of transformation.
By the 1980s Dominican Republic had overtaken the Canary Islands and Jamaica to become the leading cigar producer for the United States. Just like that, Dominican Republic became a major player in the tobacco and cigar industry!
Buyers are guided through the selection process by their own Personal Designer, who is charged with guaranteeing that the cars are is unique but still consistent with the Ferrari brand and its tradition. For example. Ferrari won't paint your car pink.
There is no simple answer to the question 'Who invented the automobile and when?' It has been a work in progress, with different parts like the engine, seats, and everything in between developed over the past several hundred years.
Then there was machine rolling, invented in the 1920s. These two processes resulted in a drastic lowering in cigar prices in the United States and across the globe. Machine-rolled Cigars were more affordable than hand-rolled ones. Despite the lower quality, machine-made cigars represent a majority of the total...