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10 Cigar Terms You Need to Know

If you have been reading our cigar-related content, you know by now that we are big fans of the craft. This is why we've come with our list of 10 terms every cigar enthusiast, new or experienced, needs to be familiar with.

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10 Things to Know When Starting a Cigar Collection

A good place to get ideas of new cigars to add to your collections is by checking out cigar reviews and ratings. Good detailed reviews can help you sort through the vast array of cigar choices to find selections you enjoy. Ultimately, you may not agree with the reviews or even end up detecting other flavors than what the reviewer listed.

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The Interesting History of Snuff

Its popularity only grew even more when it got an endorsement from the French Queen Catherine de' Medici, who declared it a wonder for headaches. This was following a recommendation by Jean Nicot, a French scholar and diplomat. 

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